Life In A Shell…

Hi there.  My name is Tortugita.  I am a 30-something, recently married, full-time working gal just trying to figure out my life.

I feel that I woke up recently and realized that I had been living my life in a shell.  I had not stepped outside myself in a long time, to further my life, to make it what I dreamed, to push myself.  I had been doing the same thing for years – getting up for work, working, going home, sleeping – repeating day after day.  I lost my drive, my passion for everything.  I stopped reading, learning, trying new things.  Every passing day, I had more and more stress at work.  I felt more and more like I was stuck, that I had no where to go.  I had lost hope that I could grow, that my life still had limitless possibilities.  You know, that feeling you have when you’re young, that you can be or do anything.

Well, I had a decently bad day at work Monday.  I went home and ate just about everything unhealthy I could in my kitchen.  I sat on my couch, turned on the TV and started to watch cartoons (yes, I love watching adult cartoons).  As the episode progressed and my tummy started to protest against my junk food binge, I started thinking – why do I feel this way?  Why am I letting my life slip through my fingers?  When did I lose control over my own happiness and contentment?  Why do I feel like I have no more options and I have to accept my life as is, at this moment in time?


HAH! (as I laugh at myself) I did not have to feel this way.  I do not have to accept the job that I am in.  I do have choices.  I can free myself from the stress that seems to be dragging me down.  It does not matter that I am in my 30s, I can still change and grow.  Why did I not realize this before?  I have a great husband that supports me.  I am intelligent, creative and a hard worker.  Why can’t I have the life I want?

So, I bought some books about starting a blog.  Started a meditation routine, a new diet, new exercise routine.  Discussed my plan with the hubby and got him on board.  Bought a website.

That brings me here…to my first blog post.  It’s my hope that I can chronical my experience (my dream future experiences) with all of you so that you have hope too.  So, that you, don’t feel alone like I did.

I hope you will stick with me.  I am starting a new journey today and I am not sure where it will end up.  I know I will have highs and lows but I am excited about my possible future and I wish you an exciting new possible future too.

2 thoughts on “Life In A Shell…

  1. ThisDarlingAdventure says:

    Hi! Wow! I just want to say way to go! So many people these days become complacent with where they are at and never take the brave step to do something different and change the place that they are in. But you! You are on a new adventure and that is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

    Recently, I made a decision like that as well and decided to begin blogging. It has been really interesting so far and somewhat out of my comfort zone but it is really encouraging to know that others are going through similar things… just in different ways! So keep it up! Let’s do this 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thetortugita says:

      Thank you so much! Blogging is one of the “new” things I recently started that I have always wanted to do. It is definitely out of my comfort zone lol. And it is nice to know that others are going through similar things! I hope that your journey goes well and I hope to keep reading about your progress along the way!

      Liked by 1 person

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